How BreatheHealthy Face Masks can help with Asthma
The Breathe Healthy Reusable Face Mask was initially designed and used as an allergy mask and asthma mask. Experimentation with fabrics, designs, fit and comfort helped to develop the mask into a very popular mask for protection for asthmatic patients against allergens and contaminants in the air.
Heredity, environmental conditions, number and type of exposures and emotional factors can indicate a predisposition to allergies. The immune system normally responds to allergens by producing symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, post-nasal drip, sore throat, itchy eyes and itchy ears. An allergic reaction can produce the same symptoms in response to substances that are generally harmless, like dust, dander or pollen. The sensitized immune system produces antibodies to these allergens, which can cause chemicals called histamines to be released into the bloodstream causing itching, swelling of affected tissues, mucus production, hives, rashes and other symptoms.
Breathe Healthy’s ultra-soft, hydrophobic/ hydrophilic masks helps to filter airborne allergens such as pollen, dust, mold spores & pet dander and can be washed daily and still maintain its Aegis anti-microbial properties for the “life of the mask”.
Symptoms vary in severity from person to person. For a person with allergies, the first exposure to an allergen triggers the immune system to recognize the substance. Any exposure after that will usually result in symptoms. Most people have symptoms that cause discomfort without being life-threatening. A few people have life threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. The part of the body contacted by the allergen will, in part, affect the symptoms. For example, allergens that are inhaled often cause nasal congestion, itchy nose and throat, mucus production, coughing and wheezing. A food allergen can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea or a severe life threatening reaction. Allergies to plants often cause skin rash. Drug allergies usually involve the whole body.
Breathe Healthy’s ultra-soft, hydrophobic/ hydrophilic masks helps to filter airborne allergens such as pollen, dust, mold spores & pet dander and can be washed daily and still maintain its Aegis anti-microbial properties for the “life of the mask”.
When you have asthma, the airways that carry air into and through your lungs become sensitive to irritants like pollen or cold weather. When you breathe these irritants, the muscles around the airways tighten and breathing becomes labored and inefficient. This is called bronchospasm. Repeated exposure to these irritants cause the airways to become swollen or inflamed. As this inflammation gets worse, the airways grow more sensitive and narrow so that getting air into and out of the lungs can be very difficult, sometimes even impossible.
According to the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, before Asthma can be controlled, patients must first determine if their asthma attacks are aggravated or caused by allergens in their environment. For those who do not have allergic asthma, an attack can be triggered by strenuous exercise, stress, worry and many other non-allergen triggers. But allergic asthma is always set off by contact with allergens, weather changes, viral or sinus infections. It is well known that cold air can trigger breathing problems in those already susceptible, and in fact is used as a challenge for assessing exercise induced asthma. Cooling of the airways may directly initiate broncho-constriction although chilling of the nasal cavity or the face may play a part.
Breathe Healthy’s Asthma Masks help provide effective protection against both allergens and cold air. Additionally, they have the Aegis® antimicrobial protection. We also offer our double fleece Cold Weather Masks for extremely frigid days. Further, in a study by the University of Goteborg, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden regarding Asthma Prevention and wearing a mask, the effect of wearing a fabric mask was tested. 88% of the patients tested reported that wearing a face mask provided satisfactory protection against asthma induced by cold air, and 72% reported they were able to spend more time out-of-doors. The results concluded that wearing a fabric face mask offers effective protection against asthma induced by cold air and exercise (Absrtract from University of Goteborg, Sweden).